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Dream Eaters

How long until you're devoured by your worst nightmares? · By Charnel, FlawedD3sign, lewill, ChantalSorias, KaierD, dlaxodid0911


Recent updates

Dream Eaters Official Trailer
Here is the official trailer of Dream Eaters, Enjoy! - animation by Agalia Christofi, and the video made by Justin Poon...
3 files
Adding Basic AI to support single player mode
After having so many problems with using Parsc, we decided to add in AI-player to enable single player mode. Due to insufficient time, we are unable to make a b...
Demo of the Trailer
This is the wip trailer that was made for the xp summit...
How long until you're devoured by your worst nightmares?
Global Powerups and Score System
This week we decided to add in powerup that affect every player in the game (called 'global powerup') We also decide to make global powerup as mytery powerup, s...
All current art updates and assets
We had a lot of art changes recently in order to mitigate player confusion. The most altered sections are the HUD and tutorial page. Visuals have a big impact o...
Weapon Powerups and Teleporter
After the playtesting session with guests from Ubisoft, we recognized the base of the game is fine, however, the depth of our game is a bit shallow. Therefore...
2 files
Previous Devlogs and This week's work
Was failed to upload any Devlog here due to Internet issue (didnt notice posting anything here is blocked in China...) Previous work Summary: Week 1: Charater m...
Playtest Session Video Update
Based on the first two round of user feedback here is a complete list of implemented features and fixes. Reworded player selection Each round lasts for 30 secon...

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