Playtest Session Video Update

Based on the first two round of user feedback here is a complete list of implemented features and fixes.

  • Reworded player selection 
  • Each round lasts for 30 second
  • There is a five-second countdown before each round
  • Reworked the map so players don't get stuck when they spawn
  • Added spawn pad to indicate where players will spawn
  • Added more music and sound effects
  • Reworked on movement so players can't backtrack
  • Reworked on the enemy system so that each enemy takes on a color of an alive player - once so, they will chase after the player of their color and only other players can kill the enemy
  • the enemy spawns in static number instead of increasing to help balance the game
  • The map is now dynamic in that the shadow gets longer as time progresses.
  • The avatars on the corner of the screen accurately reflect player status now
  • fixed some bugs regarding enemy are unkillable and trails barely reducing once shot at
  • implemented an orthographic camera so the map does not look distorted.
  • added better animation of player and enemy model

In addition here is the list of feature that we are currently implementing

  • adding trail texture so it looks more threatening
  • adding buttons and key reminder during the actual game so that players can refer back to it
  • adding a shadow to indicate where the building will fall 

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